Saturday 9 October 2010

IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey: game review (PS3/360 & PC)


Il2 is as you would imagine a flight simulator with the main focus being on combat, there have been previous instalments of the series on the pc but i have never played them so i won’t be referencing any differences between them and this new one.

The game takes place during world war 2 with the player controlling the side of the allies. a wide range of battles are rein acted beautifully from the battle of Stalingrad to the battle of Britain and many more. the game is not just confined to the major battles as it also includes many lesser known operations all testing your skills of both flight and combat.


Graphics wise the game has some of the best visuals i have seen to date at times they even rival other flight combat simulators such as Tom Clancy's HAWX. one level where the graphics particularly shined included search lights piercing the dark clouds of an aerial battlefield, everything looked and sounded ultra realistic. there is no doubt the visual work of the game won me over from the start with the incredibly accurate plane interiors but even the sounds are authentic, sometimes loud and bombing while you get torn up from a flak unit bellow – sometimes screeching while a dive bomber gets you in its sights.


The game play is solid, the missions though sometimes a little bit repetitive are both fun and engaging. there is certainly a lot of life to this title too as you unlock more and more extra single player missions along with a whole host of planes. as a combat flight simulator it has everything you would expect so it wins there but as a pick up and play game it has more than enough here too. trophy hunters will be glad to hear there are a satisfying enough amount of trophies to pick up and you will be earning them in no time. IL-2 impressed me so much in every way i’m giving it a 9 out of 10 – if you are a fan of aerial combat simulators its a must buy.

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