Tuesday 25 January 2011

I died ..and died ..and died some more (or “how the first level of Demon’s Souls played out”)


Its only my second day of playing demons souls but its already been one of the most challenging games i have ever played, i would have played it sooner but i could never find it any game shops – perhaps its the difficulty level?. it took about ten times of dying until i managed to get to and slay the first demon in the game. its funny because i read that it was going to be tough and that it would take a long long time to finish but i thought they were just exaggerations. as tough and annoying as it is when you die without a save checkpoint its still probably one of the best surprise games i have played in a long time. my first character was a thief because i figured all the agility and sneaking would give me an advantage over the others but i totally got massacred over and over again, finally i built a new character this time a knight and the game is less brutal. given the difficulty of the game and lack of save points it should be quite an experience – i’ll get around to reviewing it in the near future.