Friday 5 December 2008

Guide to getting the perfect Xmas dress & look

Ok so its that time of year again..Christmas, you know what that means? No not santa claus - Christmas party dresses!

A recent study found that women spend at least two years of their lives getting ready to go out & I myself would have to agree with that as I take ages so when it comes to Christmas parties its no surprise people panic. Sure it can be a struggle sometimes to find that perfect frock & believe me its worth the struggle because if you keep hunting & don’t go for the first thing you see then you are sure not only to find the perfect dress but you might also find yourself bagging a proper bargain. so what does the perfect party dress look like? Well most will be noticeable by their bright colours & sparkly designs that you could obviously only wear once, but it’s the wearing it once that really counts - the perfect dress will make you feel confident comfortable & attractive. So what should you look for? Easy! Something that you know flatters your features. If like me you’re lacking a little in the bust department then dresses with a high waist or a belt will help create curves. If however you have toned arms then take advantage of your small bust & go for a strapless number. Bold or bright colours will help you here too. Whatever you do..only concentrate on one area of revelation - what I mean is either show your legs off or show your cleavage off - never show both as it will only make you look cheap & run your party girl look. Never throw an evening coat over your’s a party not a meeting so go with a fur shrug or little lace cardi. If you do want to go with a strapless dress than be prepared for the hassle of pulling it up every five to ten also doesn’t look very sophisticated when you do have to keep tugging out of it. don’t forget the all important heels as they will arch your back..lift your boobs & bum to give you a very attractive physique, I myself like to go with peep-toe court shoes - adding adhesive soles is a good idea as you will most likely be on your dancing feet. Not only will heels improve the overall shape of your body but they will also elongate your legs to that of a super model. One thing to remember is if you are going with a particular style of dress then take extra effort to make sure your underwear compliments your frock..nothing ruins the sophisticated look like a bra strap or visible panty line that shows through your dress in an obviously different colour - one of the fashion rules I live by is to always make sure my lingerie goes with my outfit be it a simple push up bra or a pair of matching panties, granted some people will automatically assume no one will see their knickers in the first place but just because its not obvious to you that doesn’t mean its not visible to other people, so if you are going with a black dress then black lingerie is a must..common sense really but I’m constantly seeing people make the mistake. As for jewellery oversized fake diamonds & pearls are a must ribbons work too for the christmasy look, the general rule is to go with gold or silver & you will have no problem picking up suitable jewellery on the high street, topshop & miss selfridge are my personal favourite. As for the shops themselves river island/topshop/miss selfridge all stock fab affordable dresses & if you are clever about it you can get your shoes & jewellery there too. It might seem like a lot of work & bother but it’s the one time of the year where you get the opportunity to completely glam up & look a million dollars.

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